A National Event
On February 5, our airport will take part in Airport Day, an initiative launched in collaboration with Assaeroporti, the Confindustria-affiliated trade association to which we belong.
The event will simultaneously involve 17 airports across the country, along with institutions, stakeholders, passengers, and the airport community.
On this day, we will highlight the central role that air transport plays in the development, progress, and sustainability of our country. We will do so together with the airports of Bergamo, Bologna, Cagliari, Catania, Cuneo, Florence and Pisa, Genoa, Milan Linate and Milan Malpensa, Naples, Olbia, Palermo, Perugia, Turin, and Trieste.
Airports on Track for the Country
Airports are essential infrastructures that guarantee citizens' right to mobility and are at the forefront of continuous innovation and transformation processes, aimed at integrating social, economic and environmental sustainability values.
Through the activities organized for Airport Day, we will highlight the contribution of Alghero Airport to this process, reaffirming our commitment to local communities for a more sustainable and inclusive future.
Initiatives and Events
Airport Day is a widespread event featuring a variety of activities, including talks, conferences, seminars, and other initiatives such as institutional meetings and public outreach events for passengers.
Specifically, our airport has planned:
"Lascia il segno" Initiative: This activity aims to engage passengers by informing them about Airport Day and raising awareness of our airport’s ESG commitments, particularly in environmental sustainability. A dedicated desk will be set up in the central hall to create moments of interaction with the public, sharing a message of awareness and participation.
Live Streaming on Our Airport’s Facebook Page: The event "Sardinian Airports at the Core of the Island’s Economic Development Strategies" will be streamed live. Organized in collaboration with Sogaer (Cagliari Airport) and Geasar (Olbia Airport), the event will take place at the Business Center of Cagliari Airport at 10:30 AM and will feature representatives from institutions, regional and airport authorities, and trade associations.
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